Catholic Faith

Faith is a way of life.  The Religious Education Program is one aspect of assisting children in the life-long process of listening and responding to God's invitation to love.

Sacramental Celebration

Sacraments are community celebrations in which we, as a people of faith, are given opportunities to respond to God's loving presence in our lives.  Sacraments are not events isolated from life, but are meant to enrich our everyday lives as followers of Christ.

One full year of religious education is required before preparation for the celebration of any sacrament begins.


Confirmation is celebrated with 8th grade students. Catechesis for this sacrament begins in Grade 7 and continues throughout 8th grade both before and after the celebration of Confirmation.  This process of preparation and celebration will assist the junior high students in understanding the faith commitment they make upon completion of initiation into the community of believers.


Students in Grade 2 are invited to a fuller participation in the Eucharist celebration as they prepare for first reception of Communion.  Though coming to an understanding of Eucharist is a life-long process, the first communicants will explore the themes of gathering with the faith community, of listening to the Word of God, of remembering God's saving action in our lives, of sharing the Body and Blood of Christ and of being sent forth to serve others in the name of Christ.

Their presence and participation at the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist can only heighten student awareness of this preparation.  Parents are strongly encouraged to bring their children to worship with them and the faith community each week.


In preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation, students are invited to explore the meaning of sin and the experience of forgiveness and reconciliation.  In this process of learning, students are given the opportunity to gradually develop an understanding of Reconciliation.

Students in Grade 2 begin to reflect on their ability to make choices and are guided to understand sin as making unloving choices.  They are encouraged to explore ways of seeking forgiveness.  Second graders are invited to participate in Reconciliation prior to the celebration of the First Eucharist.

Liturgical Celebration

Prayer and liturgical celebrations, especially the celebration of the Eucharist, are vital to our lives as Catholics.  While we integrate these celebrations as much as possible into our school schedule, family participation at Sunday Eucharist and other family prayer times are essential to the faith development of young people.  Making these special prayer times a priority of family life will enable each child to see their importance in our lives of faith.