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Fence/Parking Lot Fund Letter January 23, 2013

Please Help Us Reach Our Goal

Fence/Parking Lot Project Is Almost Half-way There!

Dear St. Monica Academy Families,

Last year, you may remember St Monica Parish was very fortunate to take part in the Cardinal’s Annual Catholic Appeal Debt Reduction program.  This program, together with the generosity of our parishioners and school families raised enough funds for the St Monica Parish and School debt to be eliminated in February 2012. 

In addition to eliminating the debt, construction of a new church copula and roof was completed.  Extensive plumbing and sealing work was done in the Parish office basement.  This is an area where the Scouts have their regular meetings, the home of the St Vincent DePaul food pantry, and an important space for church storage.  In the school building, the heating and air conditioning systems were improved and needed upgrades all of last year and this year.  Again, the generosity of all of you made all of this possible.

Last January, the blue Roof Fund envelope in Church was replaced with blue Parking Lot Fund envelope.  The projected need for this project is over $155,000 and will cover all three of the campus parking lots (church lot, rectory lot, and school lot-where our St. Monica Academy students have outside recess).  This project will include a fence around the school lot at Carmen and Nottingham.  As of today, the fund totals are nearing $60,000.  With your continued support of this fund, a new parking lot and fence could be completed by spring of 2014 or sooner. 

As you can see, your generous donations have made it possible to pay off the Parish and School debt and complete many needed projects.  I want everyone to be aware of the progress of this project, and that we are almost half-way there.  Thank you for supporting this fund by using the blue envelopes and by donating through for online giving.  All future donations will help us secure the funding for a new fence and parking lot ultimately making our grounds safer for our school children and parishioners.

If you have any questions or would like information on GiveCentral for online giving please call me in the school office at 773-631-7880. 

Thank you for your support.


Ray Coleman, Principal

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