« March's Volunteer Spotlight | Main | November's Volunteer Spotlight »


The St. Monica Academy School Board recognizes that so many of the events that are run through our school and our parish are successful because of those who volunteer their time to make them happen.  Each month, the School Board will shine a spotlight on a randomly selected volunteer to share their story and spread the message that volunteering is done by all of us in many ways! 


February's Volunteer Spotlight is on Bob HilgerBob Hilger is a St. Monica parishioner (and parent to 3 SMA graduates) and Assistant Scout Master.  He’s also the Band Booster President at Notre Dame/Resurrection HS, volunteers with the Chicago Herpetological Society and puts on a pretty amazing reptile event for our scout troops.

We recently reached out to Bob to learn more about him and how he incorporates volunteering into his busy schedule.

VS:  Hi, Bob! Thanks so much for agreeing to be our February Volunteer Spotlight!  And thank you for taking the time to share your story!  We know how busy you are, particularly as you put so much time and energy into making the St. Monica's community so warm and welcoming!!!   Can you tell us a little bit about yourself outside of volunteering at St. Monica’s?

Bob:  Of course!  My name is Bob Hilger and both Sue, my wife, and I have been active parishioners of this parish over 20 some years. All of our children have attended St. Monica Academy, and we are PROUD to be part of St. Monica.

VS:  Wow, Bob!  That’s amazing!!!  It’s people like you, who are immersed in the St. Monica community that have helped grow our parish into the amazing place it is today! And it’s volunteers like you that help lead the way for new families that join our community every year. What is your favorite part about volunteering at St. Monica's? 

Bob:  The wonderful people you get to meet and interact with on fund raising events. You become life long friends with these fantastic families.

VS:  That’s so true!  The deep sense of community we have here at St. Monica’s is due in large part because of how much of our lives are joyfully intertwined with each other’s!  And we’re stronger as a community when we work together!! What is the biggest challenge you face when volunteering and how do you over come it?

Bob:  Trying to find time to fit in your family, volunteering events, and getting other parents to help out. I always thanked my volunteers very much for all they do to help me, and by that, I feel you show appreciation for these people who took their own time to help out and by that appreciation you will always get people to help out again.

VS:  We couldn’t agree more!  So much of what makes our community great only happens because people are willing to share their time and talent with us!  We know that means time away from family or less time to do other things.  It’s always a choice people have to make and making sure they know how much we as a community value them is critical!! So what would you say to someone who's on the fence about volunteering? 

Bob:  Oh please help out, because the tremendous amount of satisfaction you will receive and the appreciation of others is amazing.  You will always get back more when you give out to others. You will also realize talents you never thought you had by helping out.

VS: Perfectly said, Bob!  We couldn’t agree more.  So tell us, what will you be volunteering at next? 

Bob:  I am always busy, and right now I am working on a Boy Scout high adventure to Philmont, New Mexico, some marching band events and a Reptile fest coming up in the spring with the Chicago Herpetological Society.

VS:  Wow!! Sounds like life’s never boring for you, Bob!  Good luck with all the events you’re planning and we hope you get some time to relax with your family as well!  Thanks so much for sharing your story and your time with us, Bob!

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