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May's Volunteer Spotlight is on Jennifer Bronski

The St. Monica Academy School Board recognizes that so many of the events that are run through our school and our parish are successful because of those who volunteer their time to make them happen.  Each month, the School Board will shine a spotlight on a randomly selected volunteer to share their story and spread the message that volunteering is done by all of us in many ways!

May’s Volunteer Spotlight is on Jennifer Bronski

May's Volunteer Spotlight is on Jennifer BronskiJennifer Bronski is a St. Monica parent and parishioner with a family history in the parish that stretches back over 60 years!  She’s a Room Mom, Cookie Mom and Art Mom at SMA for her two daughters and has a son that will join the SMA Pre-K 3 class in the fall.

We recently reached out to Jennifer to learn more about her and how she incorporates volunteering into her busy schedule.

VS:  Hi, Jennifer! Thanks so much for agreeing to be our May Volunteer Spotlight!  And thank you for taking the time to share your story!  We know how busy you are, what with 3 kids under the age of 7!   Can you tell us a little bit about yourself outside of volunteering at St. Monica’s?

Jennifer:  Of course!  My name is Jennifer Bronski and as you said my family’s been a part of this parish for over 60 years.  My grandparents were parishioners and my father and his siblings attended the school here.  I even attended the school for a while with my brothers.  Now my husband, Nate, and I are so happy to have our two daughters, Grace who is a first grader and Hannah who is in Pre-K 4, attend SMA. In the fall our son Cole will also begin attending the Pre-K 3 Program. 

VS:  How amazing to have a life long connection to this fantastic community!  And how great for your kids to get to follow in your and your parents’ footsteps at St. Monica’s Academy!!  With all of that history, what’s your favorite part of volunteering at St. Monica’s?

Jennifer:  My favorite part of volunteering at SMA is being afforded the opportunity to get to know the students, staff and parents who make up this wonderful community. The more time I spend at school the more I realize how amazing and talented the staff is and how dedicated they are to ensuring that our children are successful and happy. This insider’s view has made me so proud to be a part of the SMA community. I also enjoy that many of the volunteer opportunities, such as helping in the lunchroom, are so flexible.

VS:  You mention the flexibility available in volunteering and it’s true, there are many times and ways to volunteer, which is critical as all of our lives are busy and have complicated schedules.  Still, finding the time to volunteer can be a challenge.  What’s the biggest challenge you face in volunteering?

Jennifer:  The biggest challenge I face at the time is finding childcare for my 2 year old when volunteer opportunities arise. However, the teachers of SMA are extremely understanding and often allow my son to join in the activity while I help out.

VS:  So many of us have shared that exact experience, Jennifer!  And you’re absolutely right, the teachers and staff at St. Monica’s are not just warm and welcoming but so flexible about making volunteering work for the volunteers whenever possible.  That family friendly approach to service is part of what makes our community such a nice place to be a part of!  So what would you say to someone who’s still on the fence about volunteering?

Jennifer:  I would say to choose one activity in which you feel most comfortable with, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone, and give it a try. Many volunteer opportunities are only once for an hour or two, so even if it ends up not being something that you particularly enjoy, you can endure it for a short time and research new opportunities when they arise.

From my very first volunteer experience at SMA, the teachers and other volunteers have done an amazing job of making me feel welcomed and needed and I soon began feeling much more comfortable volunteering for new things. I feel very lucky to have met many wonderful parents, whom I now consider friends, because of the opportunities I’ve had to volunteer at SMA.

Just think, each parent you form a relationship with is another person to call in the morning when you’ve misplaced the memo about picture day or your child insists that it is pajama day. It takes a village to ensure that you don’t send your child to school in their pajamas on picture day.

VS: Very true, Jennifer!  The relationships you build as a volunteer at St. Monica’s last a life time! So tell us, what will you be volunteering at next? 

Jennifer:  At this time I plan on finishing up the year as Co-Homeroom Mom and Art Mom with a few more Spring and End of the Year Activities. I hope to continue in a similar capacity next year.

VS:  That’s fantastic, Jennifer!! Good luck with all the projects you’ll be working on through the end of the year and we wish you extra good luck in the Fall when your little one starts preschool!  And thanks so much for sharing your story and your time with us, Jennifer!

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