

The St. Monica Academy School Board recognizes that so many of the events that are run through our school and our parish are successful because of those who volunteer their time to make them happen.  Each month, the School Board will shine a spotlight on a randomly selected volunteer to share their story and spread the message that volunteering is done by all of us in many ways!

August’s Volunteer Spotlight is on Anne & Erwin Haderspeck

August's Volunteer Spotlight is on Anne & Erwin HaderspeckAnne & Erwin Haderspeck have been St. Monica parents and parishioners for over 20 years!  They’ve both been active in the school and parish, with Anne serving as a Hospitality Representative, an Art Aide and a Lunch Parent and Erwin serving as a Den Leader for Cub Scouts, just finishing up a term on the Athletic Board and helping our wherever needed as a handyman.  Plus, they’ve always been willing to lend a hand with fundraisers or wherever else they’ve been needed.

We recently reached out to Anne and Erwin to learn more about them and how they incorporate volunteering into their busy schedules.

VS:  Hi, Anne and Erwin! Thanks so much for agreeing to be our August Volunteer Spotlight!  And thank you for taking the time to share your combined story!  We love that we get to spotlight a team this month!!  No person at St. Monica volunteers alone, particularly when there are kids at home involved and we’re so happy to delve into your dual volunteering story.   Can you tell us a little bit about yourself outside of volunteering at St. Monica’s?

Anne & Erwin:  Absolutely!  We are Anne & Erwin Haderspeck and we have been parishioners of St. Monica’s since 1988.  Our youngest child just graduated from 8th grade, so we’ve just finished up 20 years as SMA parents.  Throughout the years we’ve enjoyed helping out and being part of the team that helps make St. Monica’s such a great place for our kids to grow. 

VS:  20 years!  WOW!  That’s truly amazing!!  With two decades at SMA and even longer as parishioners, you must have seen it all when it comes to volunteering.  With that in mind, what’s your favorite part of volunteering at St. Monica’s?

Anne & Erwin:  Definitely helping the children and spending time with the wonderful families of our school. We have made many friends through volunteering.

VS:  It’s amazing how close you get to the families at this school, isn’t it!  It’s such an amazing indicator of just how many great people are part of the St. Monica’s community!  But over the past 20 years, there must have been times when it was harder than others to volunteer.  What’s the biggest challenge you face in volunteering?

Anne & Erwin:  The biggest challenge is fitting it into our schedules.  But it just became a part of our lives; one that we will miss now that our children have all graduated.

VS:  It is hard finding the time but it’s so worth it, especially when you think of all the memories you’re making!  So if you knew someone who was on the fence about volunteering, what would you say to them?

Anne & Erwin:  Volunteering is a great way to get involved and meet other parents at the school. Plus, there are so many opportunities to get involved that you're sure to find one that fits your interests. Through volunteering, you also forge a deeper interest in the school community and know you're working with others to help make the school a better place for your children. In addition, you're setting a great example for your children about the importance of helping others and giving back to your community.

VS: We couldn’t have said it better!  So tell us, what will you be volunteering at next? 

Anne & Erwin:  Although we've just finished our 20-year span at St. Monica School/Academy, we still plan to be involved parishioners and will likely be found at various parish functions in the future. We also plan on volunteering at our new school home, Notre Dame College Prep, but, of course, if we happen to get a call from St. Monica Academy, I'm sure we'll be there to help.

VS:  We know we’ll be seeing you around at various functions and we wish your family the best luck with all you’ll be doing at Notre Dame!  Thanks so much for taking the time to share your time, your talent and your story with us, Anne & Erwin!!

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